Adblock Plus and (a little) more

Cleaning up · 2007-01-30 14:23 by Wladimir Palant

A new Adblock Plus development build (2007013011) has been uploaded. I have been cleaning up, removing some parts that became unnecessary due to changes in the Adblock Plus core and altering other parts that can be implemented in a better way.



  • Removed useless “Block remote ads in local pages” option together with the corresponding extensions.adblockplus.blocklocalpages preference (forum thread)
  • Removed extensions.adblockplus.localschemes preference (generally blocking on all content pages now)
  • Removed “Not a remote page” message in sidebar and preferences dialog to be more consistent
  • No longer filling the list with default filters when patterns.ini doesn’t exist, offering subscriptions should be enough (extensions.adblockplus.patterns preference removed)
  • Removed extensions.adblockplus.checkedadblockprefs and extensions.adblockplus.checkedadblocksync preferences (Adblock’s preferences are now only imported when patterns.ini doesn’t exist yet)
  • Removed extensions.adblockplus.grouporder preference (hardcoded now, no point in having this as a preference)
  • Removed extensions.adblockplus.linktypes preference (using a more general approach to recognize nodes that can have links)
  • Removed extensions.adblockplus.blocktypes preference (rules like *$stylesheet can be used to prevent a particular type from being blocked)
  • Removed mostly useless extensions.adblockplus.noncollapsabletypes preference
  • Removed exceptions for about:blank
  • Now ignoring effectively empty rows/cols attributes when collapsing frames in a frameset
  • Fixed: items with same address but different type always appear as one item in the list


Comment [4]

  1. alta88 · 2007-01-30 21:13 · #

    very commendable, this is the kind of thing not enough people in software do – tune their code, make it smaller, think about how to save even 1 click, etc etc.

    soo, why does one need “!important”? why not just make it “!i”? sheesh.

  2. IceDogg · 2007-01-31 20:26 · #

    I don’t know if it’s just me. But it seems web pages load a bit faster too. Could something you done help performance enough to notice?

    Reply from Wladimir Palant:

    Some changes I’ve done should improve performance a tiny bit but I don’t think it is enough to be noticeable.

  3. momo · 2007-02-02 01:39 · #

    IS it possible to delete the unused entrys from about:config?

    Reply from Wladimir Palant:

    Do you mean the default values for preferences? No. What would be the point?

  4. LorenzoC · 2007-02-07 16:26 · #

    I guess he means the preferences “removed” that are still there once you install the latest dev build.

    I made it this way:
    1. uninstall ADBlockPlus
    2. about:config -> type “extensions.adblock” -> select “reset” ALL the remaining settings -> close Firefox.
    3. open firefox, about:config, check if the settings were removed, then re-install ADBlockPlus (letest dev build).

    It should work.
    Subscriptions and “local” filters should be preserved in the *.ini file that is not removed when you uninstall AdBlockPlus, to be safe, backup it before.


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