Adblock Plus and (a little) more

Status update: 2010-11-26 · 2010-11-26 20:49 by Wladimir Palant

Worked 4.5 days on Adblock Plus this week.


  • Finished refactoring of Python scripts used on From what I can tell, security best practices are followed everywhere so I made the corresponding Mercurial repository visible.
  • Added more information to status reports that will hopefully make dealing with pop-ups easier.
  • Disallowed sending issue reports with some configurations to prevent useless reports.
  • Implemented a faster filter matching algorithm (filter subscriptions need to adapt before we get all the performance advantages here).
  • Set up an Anwiki instance for (still needs some theme tuning, this is up to Michael).
  • Finally reproduced and fixed the issue with element hiding rules not applying after an exception (regression in Adblock Plus 1.3)
  • Fixed script generating nightly builds: removing old builds worked incorrectly and caused the script to remove a 1.3.5a build while leaving 1.3a builds in the directory.


  • Finalize new start page
  • Finish Firefox Sync support
  • Issue reporter: Add warning if the user has too many subscriptions
  • String freeze for Adblock Plus 1.3.5
  • Performance: Cache element hiding stylesheet on disk


Comment [2]

  1. lhuillery · 2010-12-01 10:41 · #

    Nous avons des soucis avec 1 notaire 14640 qui a bien su abuser de notre confiance pour privilégier les vendeurs. Et le notaire n’a pas été perdant dans l’affaire ,lui aussi.CONCLUSION c’est nous en tant qu’acquéreurs qui avons fait des cadeaux pour arranger tout le monde. ça demande beaucoup de remerciements et amendements
    Sinçères salutations

    Reply from Wladimir Palant:

    Does that comment have anything to do with my blog post or Adblock Plus in general? I am removing it, feel free to tell me if I missed something.

  2. asdf · 2010-12-06 18:32 · #

    tried it on a site with a lot of advertisement.

    abp then wanted me to manually block hundreds of urls. this is completely useless. What a waste of time!

    Why is there a “select all” if it cant even bring up a dialog for each item?

    The page even has google adds on it ffs.

    Anyway, this can be much improved. Looking forwards to new versions.

    lets have a simple way to block all big advertisement outlets in a few clicks when a site has to much adverts.

    It shouldn’t require reading the manual.

    If you are going to make it uselessly complex I might as well use gm or even a bookmarklet.

    Don’t get the wrong idea here, it is nice to have a lot of features but they shouldn’t make it harder to use the tool.

    Reply from Wladimir Palant:

    Bother asking in the forum? A random blog post isn’t the place where I can tell you which of your assumptions is wrong and what you should do instead.

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