Adblock Plus and (a little) more

Managing locales - now the generic way · 2008-11-05 17:44 by Wladimir Palant

Apparently, my previous post gave some people the impression that I am pushing my scripts as a generic solution for all locale validation problems. That’s certainly not the case, what I’ve done there is a quick and dirty solution for a problem I was having with Adblock Plus. I tried to detect as many of the common locale problems as possible even if the solution only works for Adblock Plus. And it does only work for Adblock Plus — because it assumes that all locale files are stored in the same subdirectory, because a DTD and a properties file cannot share the same name (no chance for “settings.dtd” and “”), because access keys are recognized by the suffix “.accesskey” and the corresponding labels have the same name but suffix “.label”, because the configuration at the beginning of the script is very Adblock Plus specific and would need to be rewritten for other extensions. Lots of assumptions, and the code is rather an example than something that other people can actually use.

This is different for a locale testing script I wrote for TomTom HOME. This is a much simpler and very generic script. The downside is of course that it can only have a subset of the functionality — namely verifying that the files are valid UTF-8, don’t have a BOM and that the syntax is correct. It also happens to recognize a larger part of the DTD syntax than the Adblock Plus script because it doesn’t need to extract the data out of the DTD files. I got the permission to release that script under MPL so feel free to use it.


Comment [4]

  1. Pingu · 2008-11-11 12:57 · #


    Please remove Rolist from your repository. It contains scam white list entrys. Please don’t believe me. Try it out:
    1. install EasyList (+other lists) and the following ABP subscription from : RoList
    2. go to (ad site)
    3. open blockable items and try to block the ads. They are whitelisted!!!
    4. Disable RoList
    5. Refresh the page, open blockable items and try to block the ads again.
    6. Take the whitelisted items from ROList, append them to EasyList as blacklisted and remove ROList from your list of known ABP subscriptions.
    7. Smile!

    Reply from Wladimir Palant:

    Now try to visit that site with EasyList only. Everything gets blocked because EasyList blocks “.trafic.”. You get an idea why RoList has an exception rule? Note that even with “” exception rule the external ads get blocked. Conclusion: Not a scam, no reason to remove the subscription, and please talk to the maintainer of the subscription if you have issues ( has a contact page).

  2. Pingu · 2008-11-11 16:02 · #

    Sorry, since I’ve seen the ads on, ads I cannot block unless I completely disable the ROList filter, I thought it was a scam filter.
    Then I could see this more as a bug of the ABP software: the user should have the possibility to:
    -block “whitelisted” items
    -mark a certain filter rule as disabled (simply using a separate list containing the user-disabled rules would be enough)

    Reply from Wladimir Palant:

    The development build already allows you to disable filters via context menu in the blockable items list.

  3. Pingu · 2008-11-11 16:22 · #

    Now I’ve seen the forum. Please move these posts there or delete them.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.

  4. veryl · 2009-02-11 22:32 · #

    I have downloaded lots of Megaupload files free without registration at

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