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Comments are now automatically disabled after 6 weeks · 2010-11-24 15:42 by Wladimir Palant

For a long time the policy for this blog was: comments are always welcome. However, I noticed that there are some discussions going on in several years old blog posts that I am not really following any more. And I started thinking: what was the last time that a genuinely useful comment was received on an older blog post? I mean, a comment that wasn’t spam, off-topic, rehashing of arguments that have been mentioned years ago, something that would be better off in the forum. And I don’t remember when this happened the last time. Typically, all the useful comments arrive in the first few weeks after the article is posted and after that it’s only stuff that nobody will ever read (not even me). So: sorry, comments will now be automatically disabled on blog posts that are older than 6 weeks. If somebody stumbles upon my blog by following a random link, he/she is probably better off creating a forum post rather than commenting in the blog.



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