Adblock Plus and (a little) more Reader's Choice Awards - Adblock Plus needs your vote! · 2010-02-02 10:00 by Wladimir Palant
Don’t have enough polls to participate in? Good news for you: started its Reader’s Choice Awards program and you might know some of the finalists. Now it all depends on your vote. Head over to the poll page, page 4 is particularly interesting — it lists Adblock Plus as one of the finalists in the “Best Overall Add-On” category. You certainly want to go to page 2 as well and vote for Firefox in the “Best Major Desktop Browser” category. If you already had a chance to use Firefox Mobile (Fennec), maybe even with Adblock Plus installed, page 3 is where you can vote for it.
(Yes, I also find these polls stupid and too easy to manipulate. Still, why not have some fun?)

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Erunno · 2010-02-02 21:26 · #
“Yes, I also find these polls stupid and too easy to manipulate. Still, why not have some fun?”
Wladimir failed his saving throw against vanity. :P
Anyway, I’ve done my duty.
· 2010-02-03 00:14 · #
each blog entry gets more vapid than the one prior…
Mickey · 2010-02-05 17:49 · #
I made sure to vote against your ad blocking add-on. You’re degrading the web by removing the ability for site owners to profit from advertising. This will lead to more subscription only sites, less quality free content, and more corporate sites made by companies that can afford it. Hope you idiots like that, you’re fucking over small business owners.
Reply from Wladimir Palant:
Do you mind if I disagree with your hypothesis on effects of Adblock Plus?
IceDogg · 2010-02-05 22:25 · #
Small tip Mickey, when you can’t articulate your point without using inappropriate language it makes your point look more desperate/inaccurate and lacking in seeing others points of view. People like you make your point of view look desperate and greedy.
Take a tip from ads on TV. They were worried about DVR’s and skipping ads. What did they do? Made their ads so people WANT to see them. Entertaining and/or funny and I find myself watching more commercials on TV then I have my entire life. Looking forward even to the Super Bowl ads and that didn’t use to be the case. I still don’t watch for the commercials like some people do, but I find myself excited when they come on instead of oh man I’ll go to the bathroom or get a drink now.
Like DVR’s ABP is making ads online become smarter about it. Entertain people so they WANT to see your ads and the people will whitelist your site’s ads. So, in some peoples point of view ABP is improving ads online and making some sites (the ones that use smart/fun/entertaining ads) more money then ever before.
Don’t hate.. adapt
LorenzoC · 2010-02-06 12:25 · #
“less quality free content”
If I am forced to download and see advertisement is not “free content”.
You can choose to subscribe a pay per view service but you can’t chose to see advertisement when it is placed ANYWHERE.
And to say how much advertisement is good for the Internet, I personally know several people who own FAKE blogs made via “copy&paste” whose only goal is to attract people who make a search on Google and show them ADSense and alike.
Wiley · 2010-02-15 20:28 · #
It is amazing that the imbeciles shown above this form, could have such a comment in their head – and – publish it.
Or – they are part & parcel of the group who choose to express themselves so stupidly. I am sure they are the weak-kneed type who hide behind the idiotic intelligence they do not have.
I for one, do not take the opportunity lightly to put such people on parade, while they hide behind a cloak of immunity…
My comment – is that Adblock – is a well needed service for (intelligent people), as compared to what has happened over the years by advertisers themselves, from the practice of burying themselves into every ones computer so that they can and are taking advantage of those person’s private choices they have made, that are being documented, achieved and sent to other harvesters of ill gotten-gains.
Adblock is a service that exposes such happenings.
I absolutely honor the people who contribute their time and effort to the Adblock service – and especially Wladimir Palant, for his service to the Internet.
Some of the biggest and largest advertisers on and off the internet have hired him to make their advertizing honorable and honest. He is NOT only here on the [Adblock Plus and (a little) more] blog – he is in many, many places.
I am assuming the ones that I am referring to – are either under 14 or whatever I have mentioned above.
Adblock is the best and most honest forward looking site on the Net – saving people from intrusion, loss of money, bad products and very, very much more.
My intentions were – at first – was to make a pleasant comment on this blog – but – seeing what had been mentioned by the nay-sayers & bomb-throwers, I had to mention what I had above.
Again – here is and was, my intended comment:
I absolutely honor the people who contribute to Adblock – and especially Wladimir Palant, for his service to the Internet.
Thank you for listening…
MonztA · 2010-03-03 22:18 · #
Congratulations! :D