Adblock Plus and (a little) more
Adblock Plus for Android issues with the latest Jelly Bean updates · 2013-02-15 18:32 by Felix Dahlke
As you might have noticed, Adblock Plus for Android no longer works out of the box on non-rooted devices running Android 4.1.2 or 4.2.2, it’ll show a warning asking you to manually configure the proxy instead. Since the manual configuration is non-trivial, you can follow our guide to configure the proxy.
Of course, we do not want this to be the permanent state. As a short-term remedy we are working on making manual setup as easy as possible, and we’ll release a new version once we’re happy with that.
In the long term, we hope that Android will allow apps to configure the proxy automatically again. Please star this issue if you’d like to see that as well. Please only comment if you have something to add that will help resolve the issue.

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Scott Newman · 2013-02-15 21:07 · #
I think you guys should write a universal phone rooting script in the next adblock release. That would fix the problem for good.
Snake · 2013-02-15 22:23 · #
Done, hope that helps.
stan-qaz · 2013-02-17 07:07 · #
I was very unhappy to have this quit working for me but a suggestion to give Firefox for Android a try with the AdBlock extension for it loaded is working quite well. I’d suggest anyone missing AdBlock try it at least until this is fixed.
Bofors Manpadz · 2013-02-21 19:37 · #
Get a better browser. Firefox has no problems with AdBlock Plus on Android 4.2.2.
Dunxd · 2013-02-22 01:33 · #
Would fiddling with APN settings on the phone, where you can set proxy, allow this to work for 3G too?
Reply from Felix H. Dahlke:
No, I’m afraid not, that only works on rooted phones. Android simply doesn’t have a setting for the mobile data proxy.
DunxD · 2013-02-22 10:44 · #
I’m having a go as I do seem to be able to set a proxy for an APN on my HTC One S using Jelly Bean and HTC Sense 4+. However, Adblock Pro isn’t showing the port to use as shown in the configuration instructions. How can I find this?
DunxD · 2013-02-22 10:55 · #
Ha! It works with port 26571. Ads are blocked according to the test at while on 3g.
Here’s how I did it – go to Settings, click on Mobile Data, then on Access Point Names.
Click on your current APN and then take a note of all the settings.
Create a New APN with a different name.
Add the settings you copied down.
For the Proxy set localhost
For the Port set 26571
Save the APN.
Select it with the radio button.
yied · 2013-02-25 17:44 · #
It’s not just Android that needed help.
Adblock Plus doesn’t show any icon or control/customizing outlet for the newest FireFox browser version on Windows laptops.
hubi · 2013-02-27 22:45 · #
the latest chrome update on android seems to brake adblock plus, a lot of sites are just white, some are ok (simple ones)
firefox is showing the sites as before.
disabling adblock plus “helps”
dunxd · 2013-03-07 19:14 · #
I’m seeing the same. With latest chrome all pages are blank when Adblock is on. Google getting their revenge?
Reply from Felix H. Dahlke:
No, it appears to be a bug. Seems like we had the issue in ABP for Chrome already, it has the necessary workaround. We’ll release a new version of ABP for Android that fixes this soon.
me · 2013-03-10 04:07 · #
you have but not
where is the love for SEAMONKEY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?
- puppy linux ships with it as an all in one package for its tiny OS – it is being actively developed and believe it or not people on multiple platforms like your product – if you are smart you’ll a) delete this message b) take credit for adding the page c) profit.
am i making myself not completely unclear? you owe it to seamonkey to add a link to a seamonkey based adblock plus, if only to increase your own SEO. but do it for the community. do it for the children. do it for the drugs. but whatever you do, don’t not do it.
=) =)
see smileys make it all better.
Anon · 2013-03-19 17:18 · #
Following DunxD’s instructions above also worked for me. Ads are successcully blocked on my carrier’s network.
It might be worthwhile to add those instructions as a potential to way to block ads while mobile.
I’m using 4.2.2 on a N4.
Lila · 2013-03-22 17:42 · #
Hi, since today, I cannot save any change concerning the manual proxy setting. Anyone can help?
Reply from Felix H. Dahlke:
Isn’t it saved automatically? That’s normally the case on Android.
If it still doesn’t work, you’ll probably get more useful help in the forum:
synergy · 2013-03-27 16:04 · #
So a few of days ago (Sunday?) I got a message from Adblocker saying traffic was no longer going through it. I checked the proxy settings and they were already set to what it was supposed to be. This continues to be the case. Granted, I have a version that says it’s 1.0.1 on the GS3. Does this make a difference or has Google done something else to prevent ABP from working? Thanks.
Reply from Felix H. Dahlke:
No, it should work fine. I strongly advise you to install 1.1 though, not only because you won’t get updates otherwise, but also because we fixed a bunch of issues, including a more reliable method of figuring out if the proxy is configured correctly.
synergy · 2013-03-27 16:46 · #
FYI, installed 1.1 and the problem had been 1.0.1 was still telling me a different port number than 2020 which had worked until a few days ago. It now works. Thanks anyway.
Reply from Felix H. Dahlke:
Probably not, we haven’t been using 2020 before 1.1. (One of the things we improved in 1.1. was to pick more memorable port numbers to make the manual configuration easier.) Was probably one of the other fixes.
Anyway, good to hear it works now :)